Monday, July 23, 2007

The electron is faster than the sword

Too many times I've heard people in public say they can't believe how things are going in government. Why certain people who work in government can't do this or do that, look at all those idiots on the TV, and man, they have just about had enough!

I have noticed these same people who go on and on that they have just about had enough are never quite ready to do anything... but they're thinking about it really hard!

So, today, how about taking that first step?

Click this sentence to locate and write your representative.

Click this sentence to locate and write your senator.

Even if you have nothing to say right now at this moment, click on those links now, and when they open in a new window, bookmark them for when you do.

Think about it. How many emails do you send a day? How long does it take you to type out an email?

Composing one more email isn't going to break your daily schedule.

When you have something on your mind concerning a matter the federal government needs to take action on, when you read in the newspaper or see on the evening news something that needs serious attention, or if you see something in the general government process that bothers you, write!

If certain political parties can talk to animated snowmen as part of a debate on who should be in charge of one third of the United States government, a well written, intelligently composed email from a real human being ought to be worth something!

And if you really want to make in impact, write a letter on paper. Yes, an old fashioned letter in an envelope with a stamp attached. A handwritten letter still carries more weight because you invested a great deal of time in the process. Penmanship counts, though. No chicken scratch.

What to write about? My favorites are gun control. Federal Deficits. Social Security. Finding out a individual's outlook and/or view on the war. Questions about their general views on "hot button" topics.

Even if everyone just writes one letter, that's one more step forward each time. Progress means never standing still.


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