Friday, April 18, 2008

"Survivalists" sprouting in urban areas

A recent New York Times article believes more and more urban people are becoming "survivalists".

The article starts off with your typical misinformed idea of that a survivalist is...

"The traditional face of survivalism is that of a shaggy loner in camouflage, holed up in a cabin in the wilderness and surrounded by cases of canned goods and ammunition."

Ted Kaczynski, line one. Ted Kaczynski, line one.

The article continues on with a full panic-and-mayhem quote from a book written by a former global strategist at Morgan Stanley (Barton Biggs) as well as interviews with people who have "normal" lives.

“Your safe haven must be self-sufficient and capable of growing some kind of food,” Mr. Biggs writes. “It should be well-stocked with seed, fertilizer, canned food, wine, medicine, clothes, etc. Think Swiss Family Robinson. Even in America and Europe there could be moments of riot and rebellion when law and order temporarily completely breaks down.”

What is apparently shocking to the author is that apparently more and more "sane" people are buying into this new trend! A construction executive in Dallas even apologizes for thinking he is a "survivalist" by saying “I’m not a gun-nut, camo-wearing skinhead. I don’t even hunt or fish.”

I love these kind of articles by the mainstream press. To be a survivalist, you apparently need to meet certain criteria.

1. Beard

2. Paranoid, twitchy personality

3. Heavily armed with military-level ordnance

4. Live in a very isolated location

5. Be the outdoorsy type... in a "Grizzly Adams was a punk wuss" kind of way

Nope. All wrong.

First off, I believe people are changing. A little. And that little change is for the better, actually.

I think the term everyone is looking for is "self-reliant".

Long gone are the days when families all had a deep freezer in their garage with meat and assorted other foods to last the whole month. Even further long gone are the days when more than one member of an entire family's surname knew how to use a firearm in a proficient manner.

And not buying an item unless you have the real cash for it? Waaaay long gone.

Now that the global-political climate has become more turbulent, and more and more people see their government of choice may not be there to bail them out of a bad situation, a little self-sufficiency is creeping back.


I don't believe in the popular view of "survivalism". I do think everyone should know how to use a rifle and a pistol.

I think you do need to have a reasonable reserve supply of real food. Not MREs or anonymous food in cans you will never eat with joy. Just enough real food in your home so you don't have to go to the grocery store every week.

I believe you can have a corporate job, dress as a professional executive, have a nice car, and still know how to use a firearm.

Incomprehensible southern twang? Completely unnecessary.

If things go very bad... Katrina says hello from Beruit style... I do believe there will be an initial panic. And things will be chaotic for a brief and intense period.

But I also see there is a deep goodness in people.

Well, most people.

After the initial shock wears off, individuals will come together. Communities will re-emerge. Depending on the character of those individuals in the areas affected, the entire region will recover.

You're not a climatologist if you carry an umbrella for a rainy day. And you're not a survivalist if you are self-reliant.

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