Thursday, April 24, 2008

No swords in England!

First no guns. Now no swords!

A outright ban on samurai swords in jolly old England became law recently.

With the passing of this law, the "selling, making, hiring or importing samurai swords in England and Wales" is now a felony. Those unfortunate individuals caught with a samurai sword "face six months in jail and a £5,000 fine."

As an added bonus, "anyone found guilty of importing samurai swords will face up to seven years in prison and an unlimited fine."

Isn't that just lovely?

I think the best part of the article is this paragraph...

"Eight years ago a councillor was killed by a man wielding a samurai sword in the office of Cheltenham Liberal Democrat MP Nigel Jones."

So let me get this straight.... murders were committed with firearms so the government decided to ban those. Murders were then committed with samurai swords, so the government decided to ban those.

But there are still murders being committed every day! Despite all the laws in place! WTF?

I know what's England can do to fix that.... more laws!

So what's next? Maybe steak knives? How about forks? Eventually I think we will see a ban on rocks! Not just the pointy ones, but the round skippy ones, the decorative ones and perhaps even those rocks you make when you squish enough clay together!

Oh wait... they really are going down that path. The article has a quote from Home Office Minister Vernon Coaker saying "Later this year we will launch a new advertising campaign aimed at preventing young people carrying knives."


As usual, the anti-gun idiots are solving the wrong problem. Evil people will still do evil things regardless of the laws in place. The problem always comes back to personal responsibility. If an individual does not have any sense of personal responsibility, or is denied the means and ability of being self-sufficient, no amount of re-regulation or laws or fines will change the fact they will still do bad things with whatever means they can find.

Anti- gun idiots think the problem is always with an inanimate object. But there's a lot of inanimate objects about!

How about solving the problem the right way? Allow the licensed use of firearms by the general public. Ban nothing. But have severe, medieval-style no compromise laws in place for the instances of firearm mis-use.

I've heard rumors that specialized members of the military can use one or two of their fingers as deadly weapons. Whatever you do, don't let England know about that. A ban on fingers would be next!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Im from England,and i think this is disgraceful.
But think about this pattern.

Guns Banned- Gun Crime is on the rise.

Swords Banned- Knife Crime is on the rise.

ever think bout that? What gets me is this:

"Martial Artist Licenced Proffessionals, and genuine japanese Swords, will not be affected."

Now,I don't know about you,but im not the richest of guys. I:

A. Am rather shy,so I never seem to be able to attend Martial Arts classes.

B. Dont have £5000 to shell out on a handmade replica.

Also, handmade replicas are LIVE. Factory made blades are usually dulled.

Thanks for readin. Wall o' text.