Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Do you know which eye is dominant?

This is a tip I have been meaning to pass on for awhile now, but finally found a good way to illustrate the technique. Do you know which of your eyes is the dominant one? The one you should be aiming with?

For the longest time, my groups at the target range were just slightly off. It was just a small fraction, but it was bothering me because it happened regardless of the firearm I was using. I was worried my aim was permanently off kilter. Then I heard about this ten second test to determine which of your eyes is really dominant. To start, take two pens and hold them in a V shape between your thumb and index finger in front of you like the photo below. (You could also use your fingers in a "peace" symbol.)

Now, choose a target. It can be anything in the distance. In the photo below, I chose the fire extinguisher hanging on the wall. Center the target between the two pens.

Now for the brain voodoo part. Close one eye. Then switch. Open one eye while closing the other. Alternate opening and closing you left and right eyes a few times. You will notice one eye will have the target still in between the V. The target may be off center, but it is still in between the V. The other eye will not have the target in between the V at all!

The eye that still has the target between the V is your dominant eye. You should be aiming at targets with that eye.

And that was my problem. I was raised as a "righty". I took the test and the target fell between the V when I had my left eye open. My right eye had the target outside the V. Once I switched aiming to my left eye, my grouping problem went away!

On a related note, the dominant eye also reflects what your dominant hand should be. I was raised a "righty", but my brain was wired to be a "lefty".


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