Thursday, September 06, 2007

A quick thanks to Ruger

Opening this hunting store is hard work. With every three inches we move forward, there is something to pull us two inches back. But it still counts as progress if you are moving forward!

Throughout the construction and ongoing start up, once of the most generous companies we have had the pleasure to work with has been Ruger.

Last year when I was at the SHOT show, the folks at the Ruger booth were by far the most open and friendliest firearms dealer. They took the time to talk with me in detail about their company, showed me all of their current products, and even promised to send the store some promotional items after the show concluded.

A few weeks after getting home from the SHOT show, a big box from Ruger arrived in the mail.

The package from Ruger had a giant wall banner and a lot of other promotional material inside. Needless to say, all the promotional items from Ruger have been a big hit. Every customer who came in to the store for a purchase or a transfer got a free set of the Ruger promotional materials regardless of the firearm they initially purchased.

And here's something interesting. I would say ten to twenty percent of those previous customers returned on a later date to pick up a Ruger firearm they ordered from me or an online vendor.

If you look closely in the next photo on the left hand side of the counter, that's another Ruger rifle waiting to be picked up!

I have been told that once I reach a certain amount of sales and buy a certain amount of firearms from certain other brand-name firearm companies that they will be happy to help me out with promotional items like Ruger is now. But these other brand-name firearm companies are nowhere to be found right now. And that's their loss.

I really appreciate Ruger's helping a fledgling store like mine. No matter how big my store will become, that banner from Ruger is going to stay front and center directly over the store's main rifle rack just because they took the time to talk with me and work with me as I was getting started.

Thanks Ruger!


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