Thursday, September 13, 2007

Quacking all the way to the bank

You ever hear that old saying "if it looks like a duck and acts like a duck and quacks like a duck... its got to be a duck"?

Some time ago I mentioned the North American Hunting Club and a problem I was having with them. To sum up, this time they sent me an unsolicited deer head in the mail and told me if I wanted it all I had to do was pay $19.

I sent that charming piece of art back to them in their provided postage paid box on August 30th. It has almost been two weeks since I mailed it, and I thought since this is the FIFTH time I have asked this lovely company to remove me from their mailing list I would never hear from them again.


Today I received a letter from the North American Hunting Club, telling me to "PLEASE PAY FOR OR RETURN YOUR SCULPTURE NOW"

Here is a scan of the letter (minus my personal information).

It sounds like I am going to have to go through the same damn thing with these people that I did before.

I just can't believe this kind of thing is legal. You can send someone an item in the mail, something the individual did not request and does not want, and then you can charge them whatever you want without any confirmation they ever received it?!?


Seriously. How is this NOT a playground for potential scam artists?

Back to the duck... this is the second time I have been asked to pay for something by this same company for something I did not order, did not request, and do not want. Last time I never even received the item they insisted they mailed to me!

Right now, to me, this whole thing looks like a racket. And it is acting like a racket.

I'll start off the usual way. Calling the North American Hunting Club. For the SIXTH time. Maybe their "buck for the ages!" arrived just as their letter was being sent.

And maybe I'll go ahead and call the local postmaster again. There has something other than "well, just put the postage paid sticker back on the box and send it back to them" that they can tell me.


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