Monday, September 03, 2007

Revolver Thumbpiece - Pull Type

In an earlier blog entry, I showed how to open a cylinder on a revolver. At the time, I did not have access to a rear-pull thumbpiece to illustrate the difference between the two. I finally came across a Colt .357 that fit the bill... and I'm still drooling over it.

Pictured above is a closeup of the cylinder and the thumbpiece right behind it. As you can see, the design is completely different from a push thumbpiece. There is no place to comfortably rest your thumb on this, and no obvious way to push it toward the cylinder.

Opening the cylinder on this kind of revolver is still very similar in function to the method mentioned before. But on this model, you need to pinch the thumbpiece first like the photo below.

Once you have the thumbpiece pinched between your fingers, just pull back on it.

With your other hand, press the cylinder from the right side of the revolver to the left. That's it.

You can release the thumbpiece once the cylinder is open.

From here you can unload the revolver or load the revolver as necessary.


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